Google has integrated a medially-certified quiz into its search results to help users determine whether they have depression. Users in the United States who search Google for depression or clinical depression will now be greeted with a link labelled “Check if you are clinically depressed”. The link opens an integrated PHQ-9 questionnaire, which helps to..
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Google search adds medical quiz to help diagnose depression.
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New gene editing technique could treat ALS and Huntington’s.
A team of researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have developed a new RNA-oriented gene editing technique which could treat hereditary diseases such as ALS and Huntington’s. The team used a method called RNA-targeting CAS9 (RCas9) to track RNA in live cells and correct “molecular mistakes” which lead to diseases…
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Do Artificial Sweeteners Raise Odds for Obesity?
Artificial sweeteners may be less helpful than many believe in helping people lose weight and avoid health problems associated with extra pounds, a new evidence review suggests. Aspartame, saccharin, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners did not lead to any significant weight loss in more than 1,000 participants in seven clinical trials, said lead researcher Meghan..
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The Real Truth: Antidepressants Actually Deplete These 3 Crucial Nutrients for the Brain !!
Antidepressants are one of the most prescribed medications out there. One in six Americans takes antidepressants or other psychiatric medications, most of them (84.3%) on a long-term basis. (1) This is especially concerning when using addictive drugs like Valium and Xanax. (2) That number is more than double what it was in 1999. Many who..
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16 Foods That Boost Your Immune System
Elderberry It’s an old folk remedy. This fruit is loaded with nutrients called antioxidants, and it may help fight inflammation. In some lab studies, an extract from the berries appears to block flu viruses. But scientists caution that more study is needed. You definitely still need to get a yearly flu vaccination! Button Mushrooms They..
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Vitamin D Deficiency
If you shun the sun, suffer from milk allergies, or adhere to a strict vegan diet, you may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. It is also occurs naturally in a few foods —..
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Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
Natural Cold and Flu Remedies It’s no wonder these kinds of treatments are popular — we still have no cure for colds or the flu. While the flu vaccine may prevent the flu, and some prescription medications may shorten its symptoms, most conventional medications just ease symptoms. Many natural remedies can give you short-term relief..
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Medici medical app launches in South Africa
A medical app, Medici, that is said to be revolutionising the doctor-patient relationship, is now available in South Africa. The next-generation secure messaging app enables users to communicate virtually with medical providers via text, call, or video. Originally launched in the U.S., the app hosts an array of practitioners including family physicians, paediatricians, dermatologists, dentists,..
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Pool-Linked Infection Doubles in 2 Years
Families seeking to cool off don’t expect to pick up a nasty infection. Yet, outbreaks of a diarrhea-causing parasitic infection have doubled in recent years at swimming pools and water playgrounds in the United States, health officials warn. At least 32 outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis were reported in 2016, compared with 16 outbreaks in 2014, according..
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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative brain disorder, read on for more information about PD.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) which involves the death and malfunction of vital nerve cells in the brain, called neurons. This usually occurs in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra. It leads to a reduction in a chemical called dopamine in the brain. Dopamine plays a vital role in regulating the movement of the..
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