Elderberry It’s an old folk remedy. This fruit is loaded with nutrients called antioxidants, and it may help fight inflammation. In some lab studies, an extract from the berries appears to block flu viruses. But scientists caution that more study is needed. You definitely still need to get a yearly flu vaccination! Button Mushrooms They..
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16 Foods That Boost Your Immune System
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Skok-voorbeelde van bedrog by mediese fondse aan die lig gekom
Die gesondheidsorgbedryf is in die visier van misdaadsindikate en onderduimse praktisyns. Dr. Gregory Pratt, mediese adviseur vir forensiese ondersoeke in die gesondheidsbedryf vir Medscheme, het op die beraad vir gesondheidsorgfinansiers in Kaapstad skokkende voorbeelde genoem van bedrog waarmee hy die afgelope maande te make gehad het. Mediese bedrog is so algemeen “omdat dit makliker gepleeg..
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Anger over medicines supply scheme
It is crucial for the Rev Isaac Harley to take his medication daily – it’s a matter of life and death really. As a diabetic with a hypertensive comorbidity, he depends on his tablets and insulin to maintain his insulin levels and to manage his high blood pressure. But it’s been one problem after the..
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Hospital cash-back plans crimped by new law
The demarcation regulations clearly distinguish between medical insurance products and medical aid schemes. For the consumer, this means that while limited gap cover and hospital cash-back plans will still be allowed, primary healthcare insurance policies will no longer be available. All existing policies will need to align with the regulations from 1 January 2018. Affected..
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Meet The Robin Hood Of Medical Scheme Rip-Offs: Clawing Back Big Sums – For A Modest Fee
An entrepreneur has come up with a clever way to tackle the beast of medical scheme rip-offs. Instead of joining the throng of service providers who are squeezing private scheme members for ever greater sums, this Robin Hood of the healthcare sector has identified a way to claw back thousands of rands – for a..
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How to choose a medical aid
Most medical schemes have launched their benefits and contributions for 2017 and it is the time when you should be re-looking at your existing medical aid cover or, if you are wanting to join a scheme, investigating which one suits you best. The medical aid landscape can be tricky to navigate so it is important..
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The most expensive and cheapest medical aids in SA for 2017
The latest GTC Medical Aid Survey for 2017 has been released, which compares local medical aid schemes on cost to members across various levels of cover. According to GTC, medical aids are complicated schemes, and comparing them is an almost impossible task; however it has developed a review process that compares schemes across specific categories,..
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Non-invasive scan for liver disease
In the past the only way to measure a liver’s elasticity was through a biopsy, but now, a non-invasive alternative has emerged, whereby elasticity of a patient’s liver can be measured using vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE). Adopted as a frontline tool for assessing liver fibrosis by the European Association for the Study of the Liver..
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Genesis wins case on accounting for use of medical savings funds
On Tuesday, the Constitutional Court ruled that all funds paid by members to their schemes should be considered as assets, regardless of their intended use. Genesis medical scheme has won its legal battle with the Council of Medical Schemes over how to account for the funds in members’ medical savings accounts (MSAs), a development that..
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Vier maniere om jou mediesefonds-spaargeld te rek
Ons gee verbruikers vier maniere om hul mediesefond-spaargeld te rek. Gebruik generiese medisyne As generiese medisyne beskikbaar is, is dit ʼn heeltemal aanvaarbare plaasvervanger vir handelsmerkmedisyne, tensy jou dokter dit spesifiek uitsluit. “Baie generiese medisyne is klone ─ dit kan deur die oorspronklike vervaardiger op dieselfde produksielyn gemaak word. Dis net die verpakking wat verskil,”..
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