Die Steve Biko Akademiese Hospitaal is weereens onder die vergrootglas geplaas nadat nog klagtes na vore gekom het. ’n Familie van die Moot sê die hospitaal was nalatig nadat ’n geliefde verlede Woensdag in die hospitaal opgeneem is. Jayden Pieterse (27) is in die hospitaal opgeneem nadat hy in ’n verskeersongeluk betrokke was. Die ongeluk..
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Familie word van bakpoort na stuurpoort gestuur by Steve Biko Hospitaal na seun se ongeluk
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Bejaarde man wat 15 dae lank op ’n noodoperasie gewag het, sterf
Die Vrystaatse gesondheidsdepartement ontken enige aandadigheid aan die dood van ’n pasiënt wat 15 dae lank op ’n noodoperasie gewag het. Frederick Thiart (77) van Edenburg is 14 Desember dood, twee dae nadat sy been geamputeer is. Thiart, ’n diabeet, het met erge pyn en gangreen in sy een been in die Pelonomi-hospitaal in Bloemfontein..
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How to choose a medical aid plan
Are you thinking of switching medical aid options? If so, read this first. It’s that time of year again. Many major medical schemes have opened up brief, annual window periods in which members can change their plans. Clueless? Contact your medical aid to find out about specific deadlines. While cost is the first thing most..
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10 reasons why medical malpractice is threatening SA healthcare
According to an Econex survey commissioned by the Hospital Association of South Africa (Hasa) in 2015, there were just 60 doctors per 100,000 people in 2013; whereas the world average is 152. The emigration of healthcare professionals adds to South Africa’s doctor shortage – a situation which is placing the country’s entire healthcare system at..
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The dire, depressing state of four Durban public hospitals
Durban – Four of the largest public hospitals in Durban are crumbling and lacking basic services such as access to water. The grim state of these government-run hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal was detailed in a report commissioned by National Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi. In December 2016, Motsoaledi tasked the Ministerial Task Team (MTT) to undertake..
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Baba glo mishandel in staatshospitaal aan die Wes-Rand
‘n Randfontein-ma het ‘n saak van verwaarlosing en mishandeling by die polisie ge-open nadat haar baba vermoedelik mishandel was in die sorg van ‘n staatshospitaal. ‘n Agt-maande-oue baba van Randfontein wat onlangs ‘n pasiënt in ‘n staatshospitaal aan die Wes-Rand was, het glo die dag nadat hy opgeneem is, onverklaarbare blou merke op sy gesiggie..
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Gross negligence after patient’s body found hanging after three days
Medical staff at Durban’s Addington Hospital have been accused of gross negligence after the body of a patient, who allegedly committed suicide in a ward’s bathroom, was apparently found three days later. The 25-year-old patient, whose identity is yet to be established, was found hanging in the toilet of surgical ward 3B on Monday. It..
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Intervention sought over ‘hospital horror’ at Warmbaths Hospital
The Post received a lengthy complaint from Barry Bredenkamp regarding alleged poor service at the Bela-Bela (Warmbaths) hospital. Bredenkamp stated that a young man had committed suicide in the early hours of Sunday, 24 September, at Bela-Bela. Bredenkamp said that the man’s mother woke-up to the tragic news early on the Sunday morning and immediately..
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Council pursues bogus health practitioners
A rise in bogus health practitioners has forced the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) and medical schemes to strengthen their forensics units to curb fraud. A team at the HPCSA is conducting about 400 investigations into bogus practitioners. To date, just more than 40 arrests have been made, but prosecutions are slow. Data from..
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‘Bogus’ online doctor to be probed
The Government Employee Medical Scheme has launched an investigation into claims it allowed staff at public relations firm Martina Nicholson Associates to give medical advice on its online column titled Dr Joe. Dr Joe was an online service for members of the GEMS medical aid scheme who wanted to discuss health concerns with a doctor…
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