Youtube Prankster Tricks London Gatwick Airport Passengers into Thinking They Were Landing at London Luton Airport!
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Young South African Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!
Family, friends and an ever increasing group of concerned supporters, of Ashley Oosthuizen (22), a young South African girl, who was imprisoned for life in a Thai jail two years ago, are appealing to the ANC government in SA to pay urgent attention to her case. Oosthuizen’s family also fear that they will now rarely be able to contact her, after she was recently moved to a new prison. Her parents have apparently last spoken with her in December last year.
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Has Corporate SA Been Infected by ANC Corruption, Greed & Negligence? Dimension Data NTT Case Study
The Untouchables in a Gangster’s Paradise? Is it reasonable or ethical to make use of companies that do not consider themselves to be held accountable, for their actions in any private or public enterprise? While Big Tech has become seemingly untouchable, even from the US Supreme Court or Whitehouse, the same culture of supremacy, greed, lack of accountability, lack of transparency, and lack of responsibility seems to have created and sustained an environment in South Africa where IT negligence is acceptable, and lack of accountability is the norm, even when it comes to government institutions, contracts and tenders.
Just a few of the institutions in South Africa that have had their systems breached just over the last few weeks include: Transnet, Department of Justice, SA Space Agency, African Bank to name but a few, so the situation in South Africa has really gotten serious, yet no one is talking about it, especially not the so called IT Tech Media who are
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Coincidence? High Court Rules in Favour of IS / Dimension Data, Both of Whom Failed to Keep Crucial IT Software Updated!
Surely companies that defend a failure to maintain vital IT systems, should not be allowed anywhere near government contracts to support systems serving the people of South Africa? In fact, they should not be allowed any systems at all, but particularly government systems that could be infiltrated such as SARS, IEC, Home Affairs, EVDS, Eskom etc. especially given that SA Court systems are already insecure as SA-News recently reported.
Internet service provider iSAT South Africa has been struggling with an ugly ongoing dispute with the company formerly trading as Internet Solutions which was taken over by Dimension Data. Dimension Data/NTT Ltd stands accused of causing severe financial and reputational harm to iSAT over their failed cloud system called CVM, which iSAT had been using since 2
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“If you believe Jesus is King, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will call you an anti-semite” – #GAB Responds to New #ADL Attack
A far left hit piece against GAB was published in Newsweek and the Washington Post, owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, which was based on a “report” published by the jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The so called report highlights how people post GAB links on Twitter that the ADL doesn’t like. GAB is the alternative Social Media APP for people that have been abused by left wing platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and has become a refuge for Conservatives and Christians who have realised that the Establishment itself is far left.
According to GAB CEO, Andrew Torba, traffic from Twitter is so low on GAB’s referral source traffic list, that it doesn’t even register in their top 15 sources of traffic. Yet that is what the ADL hit piece targeted, because they have no influence anywhere else. 95% of GAB’s traffic is direct, meaning they don’t depend on Google, Twitter, Facebook, or anyone else. People go directly to Gab.
Torba responded to the attack by AD
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Hypocritical Jeweller Tiffany & Co Uses “Blood Diamond” from Kimberley in “Woke” Campaign with Beyoncé – Immediately Gets Accused of Theft!
“Give it back to South Africa” - Beyoncé and Tiffany & Co are accused of using a “stolen blood diamond” in their advertising campaign. This story not only exposes the ignorance in the world about South Africa’s history, but more and more, large multinational companies that became rich from colonialism, yet who constantly blame white South Africans, are caught out when they try to hide behind blacks to cover up their sins, and try cover their enormous profits from colonialism in innocence.
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Landmark Case to Show How Twitter, California & Democrat Party Colluded to use “Election Integrity” as a Weapon to Censor Conservatives!
An important landmark lawsuit that might very well prove the fact that Twitter is indeed a state actor, which could have some very serious implications, has been brought by Harmy Dillon and Ron Coleman in California, with all the evidence and receipts, to show that Twitter and the State of California conspired with the Democratic Party, to get Twitter to censor the people they don’t like politically, using “Election Integrity” as a false default reason.
According to Robert Barnes of Barnes Law, speaking on Viva Barnes, the plaintiffs have document after document after document proving it, but as we have seen in recent years, facts and evidence are no longer considered proof in a world where the Mainstream Media and Big Tech manufacture the reality.
The plaintiff, who is a lawyer from California, had a pretty big social media presence, and was completely censored and cancelled, simply for raising basic questions about what happened in the election, that were not ev
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160 Americans Died & Over 10,000 Infected with Covid-19 Despite being Fully Vaccinated says CDC, but Claims it is Rare!
As of April 30 there were 10,262 cases of fully vaccinated people being infected with Covid-19, said the CDC this week, quoting statistics from 46 American states and territories. While 1.6% (160) actually died, less than 7% of the patients were hospitalized with Covid-19 symptoms. 63% of those infected were female and the median age for all cases was 58.
“The number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths that will be prevented among vaccinated persons will far exceed the number of vaccine bre
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Facebook Stops Banning Posts About Covid Leak from Wuhan Lab! So What Else is Big Tech Wrong About? US Elections 2020?
Big tech giants like Facebook and Twitter are now well and truly the self appointed “Orwellian” arbiters of the truth “regardless of the facts,” said Sky News host Rita Panahi, after Facebook decided to reverse its policy last week and stopped banning posts, which suggested COVID-19 was man-made and released from the lab in Wuhan, China, where the pandemic started.
The idea was considered a conspiracy theory and false by pro China Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg’s wife is Chinese), which meant it would ban posts pushing or even mentioning the idea, and punish the poster.
The Wuhan lab leak theory however has gained renewed traction in recent weeks in mainstream media, which saw scientists express openness to the idea, with Joe Biden himself ordering an urgent investigation.
Skynews’ Ms Panahi said the way in which the tech giants like Facebook conduct their platforms is “Orwellian” because “They decide what’s true and what’s n
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Solidarity Taking Sisulu to Court to Stop Racist & Illegal Importation of Cuban Engineers!
The Solidarity trade union has announced that they are continuing with a court application to force the minister of Water Affairs, Lindiwe Sisulu, to cancel her planned import of 24 Cuban water engineers, into South Africa at a cost of R65 million, especially since it was revealed that Sisulu refused to appoint qualified white engineers who have applied for the posts, simply because they were white.
Sisulu made this shameful admission in an interview with Radio 2000, yet Sisulu has not abandoned her Cuban import plans and is using stalling tactics like demanding more talks with Solidarity after Monday’s meeting.
Solidarity had the meeting with Minister Sisulu to try convince Sisulu to appoint South Africans to the post but she is not budging which is why on Tuesday Mr. Dirk Hermann of Solidarity told the media that Solidarity is continuing with the court process.
Solidarity had previously made a list of over a 100 suitably qualified South African engineers ava
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