Daar is nou maar eenmaal niemand anders soos Robbie Wessels nie. Hierdie veelsydige musikant, liedjieskrywer, akteur, grapjas en rolprentvervaardiger het oor die afgelope sestien jaar sommer diep in Suid-Afrikaners se harte kom inkruip. Woestyn, wat in Junie 2017 uitgereik is, is net nog ’n bewys van die goeie werk waarmee hy nog al die jare..
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Robbie Wessels spog met goue status vir ‘Woestyn’
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Public Radio Adjusting To Facebook News Feed Changes.
In the wake of recent changes to the Facebook News Feed, which will show less content from publishers and more from friends and family, public radio is adjusting how it uses the platform to drive web traffic and prioritizing more engagement with its Facebook fans. According to Current, National Public Radio (NPR) is encouraging reporters..
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WEEI Suspends Host Over Racially Insensitive Impersonation.
Entercom sports WEEI-FM Boston (93.7) midday co-host Christian Fauria was suspended Friday for performing a racially “insensitive” impersonation of Tom Brady’s athletic agent, Don Yee. Fauria said he’s reached out to Yee to personally apologize for what he later described as a “horrible attempt at humor,” according to NBC News. Fauria, a former New England..
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While You Weren’t Watching, Christian Radio Grew Into A Goliath.
While traditional radio companies continually evaluate ways to increase ad revenue and integrate new strategies to hold onto audience amid a consistent stream of new audio competition, there is one player in the radio arena whose approach is, one might say, more inspired by faith. Christian broadcasters have quietly amassed thriving broadcast platforms whose audience..
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Kurt Darren se nuwe album ‘laat die dansvloer brand’
Vyftien jaar nadat Kurt Darren die Afrikaanse musiekmark gestormloop het, wéét die onbetwisbare koning van Afrikaanse dansmusiek steeds hoe om die planke behoorlik te laat wip. Sy nuwe album, Laat Die Dansvloer Brand, bestaan uit 14 snitte wat daai fyn balans tussen lekker opskop-sokkie en rustig dans presies regkry. Snitte soos Warrelwind se kind, Jy’s..
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Lizandra Winter en Joshua Na Die Reën snoer kragte saam
Lizandra Winter en die alombekende Joshua na die Reën kom al ’n lang pad. Lizandra het voor sy haar selfgetitelde solo album gedurende 2017 uitgereik het, gereeld saam met hom opgetree. Hulle het ’n hegte vriendskap en hulle stemme komplementeer mekaar op ’n merkwaardige wyse. Dié twee talentvolle sangers, wat ook ongelooflike musikante is, het..
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Cupid’s Arrow Takes Aim At Radio Airwaves.
The radio airwaves are being overrun by Cupid and his arrow. With Valentine’s Day one week away, is it any surprise that Jared the Galleria of Jewelry, ProFlowers/Shari’s Berries, Shane Co., and Diamonds Direct are all among the top 30 advertisers? In fact, the three jewelers were all pervasive over the airwaves around the holidays,..
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Report: Apple Music U.S. Subscriptions To Outpace Spotify.
Apple Music is gaining ground on Spotify in the battle for U.S. subscribers. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple Music’s growth rate for U.S. subscribers has risen to five percent monthly compared to Spotify’s two percent monthly growth. If the pace continues, Apple will outpace Spotify by this summer. Last month Spotify said..
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Survey: Listeners Prefer Local Over National Contests.
When it comes to radio contesting, more listeners like local than national. That’s the finding of a new NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects Study, which found that 59.8% of respondents are more likely to play a local radio contest with a smaller prize than the 35.7% who said they were more likely to play a national radio..
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Last Push For Radio To Move To Online Public Files.
The countdown is on for all full-power radio stations to move their public inspection files online. The Federal Communications Commission has ordered all stations to shift to an online file on the FCC’s searchable portal website by March 1. It’s the last wave of stations to make the switch. Television stations began posting their public..
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