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Solidarity Taking Sisulu to Court to Stop Racist & Illegal Importation of Cuban Engineers!
The Solidarity trade union has announced that they are continuing with a court application to force the minister of Water Affairs, Lindiwe Sisulu, to cancel her planned import of 24 Cuban water engineers, into South Africa at a cost of R65 million, especially since it was revealed that Sisulu refused to appoint qualified white engineers who have applied for the posts, simply because they were white.
Sisulu made this shameful admission in an interview with Radio 2000, yet Sisulu has not abandoned her Cuban import plans and is using stalling tactics like demanding more talks with Solidarity after Monday’s meeting.
Solidarity had the meeting with Minister Sisulu to try convince Sisulu to appoint South Africans to the post but she is not budging which is why on Tuesday Mr. Dirk Hermann of Solidarity told the media that Solidarity is continuing with the court process.
Solidarity had previously made a list of over a 100 suitably qualified South African engineers ava
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White Trucker Who Was a Father & Country Singer Hacked to Death in His Cab with a Panga! Life Has no Value in Decolonized Africa!
#WhereIsUbuntu? DECOLONISED AFRICA IS A DEADLY PLACE! A white trucker was hacked to death with a panga in his cab, when he was sleeping at a truck stop in Verkeerdevlei in the Free State. The few items the killers stole would not even feed them for more than a day! Is that the value of the life of a truck driver and father of two who is a constructive member of society, transporting the food and goods these primitive killers would buy in shops, with the little cash they killed him for? Despite all the BBBEE, SASSA & charity handouts? Bheki Cele and ANC seems to think 56 murders a day are just economic crimes and so nothing to worry about, as their police force spends more time protecting the criminals and enforcing arbitrary nonsensical Covid19 Regulations!
Seconds after Du-nishia Merrick of Bloemfontein spoke to her fiancé, Koos Weideman (50), on his cellphone he was brutally murdered in the cabin of his truck at Verkeerdevlei i
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Two Days Left To Order & Send Flowers, Chocolates, Hampers and Gifts to Your Valentine Now!
Send flowers, chocolates, gift, hampers, cards, linen, clothing and even booze to anywhere in South Africa, or abroad even with domestic offices all over, delivering flowers on time with SA’s favourite Net Florist is never a problem. Our international reach stretches as far as UK, Australia, USA and the rest of the globe. No need to go out and visit florist’s shops, our selection of flowers is unmatched.
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Like Crime, Covid19 Gave the “Rooi Gevaar” an Arm’s Length Weapon to Expose Whites to Harm With! Useful Idiots Being Separated From Freedom Lovers!
Exposing Them To Harm: We have previously shown how the ANC regime is waging an arm’s length war against whites in South Africa, by indirectly allowing criminals and encouraging them to kill and rob us. The full-scale misuse of Covid19 has once again proved how eager they are to expose us to harm, while being able to plead innocence. Is the black socialist ANC going to expose us to poverty forever, and prevent us from working or generating income, to maintain economic oppression over us to drive forward their racial war against whites? Their goal is to destroy white businesses and then put a black business in its place. This is a worldwide Socialist campaign, and in Europe it is called “The Great Replacement“. George Soros has given $500 Million to illegal immigrants to start non-white businesses, and his agents are busy in SA too! The misuse of Covid19 or CCPvirus for totalitarian purposes is called “The Great Reset“,
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#GangsterState ANC Voters Are Traitors for Rewarding Institutional & Structural Corruption & Stealing from the Taxpayer!
The ANC bandits have literally been allowed to not only steal directly from you the taxpayer, but also to print money, thereby stealing from your children and grandchildren too! However there is only one person who can stop this wholesale plunder, the ANC voter, but there is no indication they ever will as they are distracted with a constant stream of white hatred. ANC voters have time after time rewarded and approved of this blatant theft and fraud, which destroys South Africa’s infrastructure, credibility, international credit rating and ability to serve the citizens. This willful and conscious destruction of SA makes ANC voters traitors to the nation, for their part in its destruction. For example Mafioso Magashule’s forgotten tender of R230 Million JUST TO COUNT asbestos roofs, gives insight to how the Free State was looted, yet Ace Magashule, has now been rewarded by being promoted to Secretary General of the ANC! ANC voters are indeed traitors to their fell
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Transform or Starve! Racist Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane “Spreading Lies” as ConCourt Dismisses One Applicant in Action Against ANC’s Racebased Covid-19 Aid!
The embattled minister of Tourism, whose spokesperson infamously claimed struggling whites need to transform more to qualify for emergency COVID-19 aid, has completely misunderstood the Concourt dismissing one applicant and has prematurely claimed victory, even though the court has not yet considered the matter, never mind issue a judgement! As a result the remaining applicant, AfriForum, has accused Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, of spreading lies and fake news by announcing in a media statement that the Constitutional Court had dismissed AfriForum’s application for appeal.
According to Kallie Kriel, CEO of AfriForum, they are not mentioned as an applicant in the dismissal in the Solidarity case to which Kubayi-Ngubane refers and judgement has also not been
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16 Black Police Officers Attack 6 White Family & Residents at Home! Is Ramaphosa & ANC’s Anti White Racism Inciting Anti White Racism in Police & Black South Africans?
Thanks to the constant anti white rhetoric from Ramaphosa and the ANC, SA has become a black Fascist Police State trying to ethnically cleansing a minority. In a shocking display of anti white racism and increasing State brutality, a group of 16 black Police officers burst into the house of a white family and residents making food at home, last Friday evening. What ensued can only be described as a litany of racial abuse and heavy handed police brutality against unarmed women!
Donovan Maas, a financial advisor who was the only man of 6 white residents of the house in Westdene, Bloemfontein were told: “What don’t you white people understand about being under lockdown? You just want to braai. You must rather f*ckoff“. Despite seeing that there was no party going on, the Police group of 16 still saw fit to push the residents around, use vulgar racist language and Pepper spray Maas, his mother Sonette and another female who works for M
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As #Conmunists, ANC Puts Big Government Above Human Rights Like Water, With Layers of Control Creating Corrupt Unaccountable Cadre Deployment Jobs, Gross Inefficiency & Bankruptcies!
SA is not an idiocracy anymore, nor is it a failed state, it is now a Socialist State captured by the elitist gangsters that rule and plunder it, as can be seen in the ANC controlled Free State where water shedding looms, as ANC controlled Bloemfontein’s water pressure is to be cut, because 3 ANC controlled municipalities owe ANC controlled Bloemwater more than R1 Billion! But then bankruptcy, like corruption, is a “capitalist” word and thus irrelevant to the ANC, especially if you are spending someone else’s money…
To be clear, Ramaphosa has repeatedly revealed his ideology, but we’ve either ignored or disregarded it, or heard what we wanted to hear. Ramaphosa is a committed Socialist and his address at the Centenary Celebrations of the birth of Nelson Mandela on 18 July 2018 (see below), was unambiguous. Ramaphosa has certainly never referred to himself as a free marketeer or capitalist or ‘pro business’ even, and his praising of m
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Bankrupt Bloemfontein Buys Nyala Armoured Riot Vehicle, But Has No Metro Police Force To Use It! Just Another ANC Scam To Rob Taxpayers of R6 Million?
THE GOLD AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW NATION: If corrupt ANC cadres could sell sand to an Arab for a Billion, they would! The middleman supplier in Bloemfontein made almost R2 Million profit, supplying just one vehicle, that was not needed and cannot be used, like sand to an Arab!
The bankrupt and under administration Bloemfontein municipality has a brand new Nyala armored riot vehicle, but it doesn’t have a Metro Police force to use it! The man who was appointed as the Metro Police chief, Israel Kgamanyane, says he is now sitting for 2 years in his post as Chief, but he has nobody under him.
He is however unhappy that he was not consulted on the buying of the Nyala vehicle, at a reported price of almost R 6 million. The Nyala was bought through the municipality’s third party middleman supplier, Mothebe Wheels. Conveniently Mothebe supply all vehicles that the Metro buys. Even though there are no staff in the Metro Police, the Metro also bough
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