With National Health Insurance, the Competition Commission investigation and sky-rocketing costs, it’s no wonder that the private healthcare sector (and the public sector for that matter) is a tad wary about what the future holds. However, in which ever way, shape or form it manifests itself, universal health coverage (UHC) is inevitable. It forms part..
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How will private healthcare evolve under Universal Health Coverage (UHC)?
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Syndicates and devious health professionals may target National Health Insurance
Criminal networks are targeting your medical aid rands but could you be part of the problem too? Criminal syndicates and unscrupulous doctors may be defrauding the private health sector of millions as experts warn that medical schemes may reach a breaking point. “The health care sector is being targeted by criminal syndicates and even devious..
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NHI financing model questioned by FMF
The latest iteration of the National Health Insurance (NHI) policy paper is no closer to defining how much the scheme will cost and where the money will come from to pay for it. Meanwhile, SA risks running out of tax payers to finance its social security commitments, said Dr Johann Serfontein, senior healthcare consultant with..
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Skok-voorbeelde van bedrog by mediese fondse aan die lig gekom
Die gesondheidsorgbedryf is in die visier van misdaadsindikate en onderduimse praktisyns. Dr. Gregory Pratt, mediese adviseur vir forensiese ondersoeke in die gesondheidsbedryf vir Medscheme, het op die beraad vir gesondheidsorgfinansiers in Kaapstad skokkende voorbeelde genoem van bedrog waarmee hy die afgelope maande te make gehad het. Mediese bedrog is so algemeen “omdat dit makliker gepleeg..
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Vrystaatse gesondheidsdepartement stort in duie na top spesialiste bedank
Gesondheidsorg in die Vrystaat steier steeds onder die voortdurende eksodus van sy topmedici. Pas het nog twee van die provinsie se voorste spesialiste, prof. Schalk Wentzel (55) by urologie en dr. Maryke Spruit (55) by kritieke sorg, bedank. Dr. Freek Bester, president van die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Vereniging se sentrale tak, sê om die ervaring van..
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Diensjaar: Verpleegster wen hofsaak na regstryd met Gautengse gesondheidsowerheid
“Dit voel of ’n berg van my skouers af is.” So het ’n verligte en glimlaggende Dané Hertz (22) Dinsdagmiddag gesê ná haar regstryd met die Gautengse gesondheidsowerheid omdat sy nie uitplasing vir haar verpligte gemeenskapsdiensjaar as verpleegster kon kry nie. Hertz moet luidens ’n bevel van die hooggeregshof in Pretoria binne 30 dae deur..
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Africa gets generic version of most effective HIV drug
NAIROBI – The generic version of the most advanced drug against HIV has been introduced in Kenya, a first in Africa where more than 25m have the disease, the NGO Unitaid said. The drug, Dolutegravir (DTG) is the anti-retroviral drug of choice for those living with HIV in developed countries, but its high price has..
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Shortage of National cancer drug may last until October
A deadly national cancer drug shortage is approaching its third month and patients may have to go without until October – if they can make it. In February, Nic Basson was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, a fast-growing malignant brain tumour, which is located in his brain’s language centre and affects his ability to communicate. He..
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Hospital cash-back plans crimped by new law
The demarcation regulations clearly distinguish between medical insurance products and medical aid schemes. For the consumer, this means that while limited gap cover and hospital cash-back plans will still be allowed, primary healthcare insurance policies will no longer be available. All existing policies will need to align with the regulations from 1 January 2018. Affected..
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The most expensive and cheapest medical aids in SA for 2017
The latest GTC Medical Aid Survey for 2017 has been released, which compares local medical aid schemes on cost to members across various levels of cover. According to GTC, medical aids are complicated schemes, and comparing them is an almost impossible task; however it has developed a review process that compares schemes across specific categories,..
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