WE ARE BEYOND GATVOL! A well known member of the Run/Walk for Life athletic club, Belinda Huyzers (49), was callously and unnecessarily shot dead, in cold blood, during a home invasion at the family home! What will it take to stop this murderous Socialist driven genocide of all nations in SA? We can swear, we can protest and march. We can debate, insult, shout, argue, beg, plead, pray and even fight, but nothing changes. Europeans have always counted and honoured their dead and we are not about to stop now! Riding hard on the back of the radicalized “Black Majority”, the police, authorities, government, ANC, EFF, Mainstream Media, Globalist Big Tech and MultiNational corporations do not give a damn. What are a few lives when there is so much power, plunder and profit to be made out of stealing from, enslaving, abusing and oppressing normal people? “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. Th
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#SocialismKills – Another Day, Another White Life Taken for a Few Gadgets in The MultiCulti Sh*thole Rainbow AbomiNation!
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Do Not Pay Covid-19 Lockdown Fines Which Could Leave You With a Criminal Record! Criminal Law Expert Explains Your Options.
Do not get tricked or sucker punched into just paying a COVID-19 “Admission of Guilt” lockdown fine, as it could leave you with a criminal record for something which is unnecessary and unconstitutional! These admission of guilt fines will leave you with a criminal record if paid which will give you big problems in future, like when you apply for a visa, firearm licence or apply for a job even. This is the advice of a criminal law expert of Kempton Park, Mr Riaan Louw.
Louw says there are other options for an accused. An accused or a legal representative of an accused can also write to the State prosecutor to state that you did not have the intent to transgress the regulation. Mr Louw says intent will always have to be proven by the State. A trial is something the State will not prefer because then everything will have to be in order from the State’s side, including sworn affidavits from their witnesses and the witnesses will have to pitch up to testif
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If Rape is A Tool Of War, Then #FarmAttacks ARE WAR! Grandfather Murdered and ALL 5 Females Raped, Including 3 Primary School Girls in Limpopo Farm Attack!
ARCHITECTS OF APARTHEID: Just when libtards try bestowing the virtues of Africans to you, news comes out of this extremely horrific and serious farm attack which happened on January 15, this year, which was not even reported on by any mainstream media. Names in the report are withheld because 3 small children were raped. As the pic above shows, this kind of horror is openly discussed amongst blacks…
This incident only came to light now via a small community publication, the Kempton Express, to who this horrific story was narrated by a local Kempton Park resident. Why was it not reported on by mainstream media? Did Police deliberately hope to keep it quiet? Understandably the man who narrated the story did not want himself fully identified because then the Primary School girls who were raped, would be identified, because they are all his cousins.
The story as told to the local community publication is that on January 15, a local Security Pros cont
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Gauteng Chocolate Firm Told He Employs TOO MANY Black Women! ANC’s Sexist Race Based BEE Laws & Representivity Policy is Social Engineering at its Communist Worst!
A Belgian chocolate manufacturer in Gauteng was left dumbfounded when he was told by the Department of Labour, that he employs too many black women! In good old Communist tradition, the ANC Employment Police from the Department of Labour, which are trying to enforce the ANC regime’s strict national demographic racial quota system (aka representivity), for the workplace, has struck at a family business in Kempton Park which manufactures Belgian chocolate.
The raid has left the owner of the business, Mr Kees Beyers, dumbfounded after the Department of Labour inspector, Thabo Masenya, told him that he employs too many black women. No this is not fake news! This actually happened! Mr Beyers, who was born in Belgium, began the family business making chocolate more than 30 years ago in South Africa. He initially came to work for his sister and liked the country so much that he decided to stay and start his own business.
Today Beyers Chocolate employs m
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ANC-regime is failing needy children – Kempton Park child welfare closes its doors following a salary dispute, over 2000 children in the community are being affected by the suspension – ANC officials get’s to drive luxury cars and have houses revamped on state’s cost
Over 2000 children in the community are affected by the suspension of the services and the number is exclusive of the families the society assists.
Staff at Child Welfare Kempton Park downed tools on January 28 due to financial challenges, Kempton Express reports.
A notice at the society’s premises reads: “Dear clients kindly note that our services are temporarily suspended indefinitely as from January 28, due to financial challenges faced by the Child Welfare Kempton Park.”
The media spoke to the society’s board treasurer Nthombisine Mhlambi, who said: “The staff hadn’t been paid three months’ salary because there were no funds.”
Mhlambi also told the media staff were only paid a month’s salary on February 4 but couldn’t confirm when the services would resume.
Staff members, however, told the media they would not return to work until they were back paid for the other months they were not paid.
The servic
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