Rethinking Self-Determination – Hannum, H Kyk hier: SAUK TV Why the ULA’s External Self-determination will succeed: the A to Z of self-determination explained… 👉 We have a signed Accord. 👉 This Accord was Agree to and signed by the ANC and the International Community. 👉 Thus, by International Law they must honour the Accord. Give..
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Rethinking Self-Determination – Hannum, H
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Demographics Bantu Expansion in Africa
Demographics Bantu Expansion in Africa
Kyk hier: SAUK TV
Vertel my eerlik, kan ons die soewereine selfbeskikkings proses nog langer uitsel?
👉 Kyk na Afrika se Bantu statistieke vanaf 1900!
👉 Moet Afrikaners, almal wat Afrikaans praat of die Afrikaner kultuur onderhou, nie as Afrikaner Nasie verklaar word nie!!
👉 Gaan ons nog as ‘n nasie kan bestaan in die toekoms as ons nie nou opstaan en terug vat wat aan ons in 1994 gegee is nie?
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